Making Exterior Changes

West Village is a historic district registered with the National Register of Historic Places.
As such, any changes to buildings or sites within West Village require a preview process with the Detroit Historic District Commission.
Note: We are not the Historic District Commission.

A Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Detroit Historic District Commission is required for any exterior changes to a building or site in West Village. The Historic District Commission (HDC) administers an application review procedure and may approve or deny based on the appropriateness of the proposed work.

The Detroit Historic District Commission has established guidelines to assist homeowners, residents, and contractors when planning projects that will affect the exterior of a historic property. These guidelines act as a starting point for alterations and consider protection of the historic property, preservation of a building’s integrity and education in regard to the history of the city. Based on research regarding the city’s past, the guidelines do not prevent alteration, but assist in keeping a neighborhood’s character intact. Always check with the Historic District Commission early in your planning for more detailed information about what is appropriate for your property.

Does my project require HDC approval?

These items are considered basic maintenance and do not require approval.

  • Painting in the same colors in the same location

  • Trimming or pruning trees, shrubs, plantings

  • Repairing a few sections of fence with like materials and sizes

  • Repairing a few shingles, flashing, gutters with like materials

  • Replacing a few panes of glass with matching glass, switching seasonal storms/ screens

  • Tuckpointing small areas of mortar with matching mortar

  • Installing or removing existing storms and screens for the season

  • Replacing small deteriorated areas of siding with identical materials and sizes

  • Repairing existing doors with identical materials

  • Putting out or removing cloth awnings on existing frames for the season.

Yes! Contact the HDC first.
Your project will require review.

  • Changing paint colors

  • Removing large trees, shrubbery, plantings

  • Installing new or replacement fencing

  • Replacing roofing, flashing, gutters

  • Reconstructing areas of masonry walls, chimneys, floors, porches, etc.

  • Installing new storm and security doors, installing new storm windows

  • Reconstructing all or part of a porch Installing new doors, garage doors, security doors

  • Installing or replacing signage, including awnings

  • Cleaning the building exterior

  • Demolishing all or part of a building, including garages

  • Constructing a new building or addition

  • Installing new or replacement storm windows

  • Removing, repairing, replacing existing windows or installing new windows

For more information, please contact the Historic District Commission Staff.
(313) 224-1762

To obtain a color sample sheet that is appropriate for your home or building, contact the HDC with the property address and the HDC Staff will provide the corresponding color system sheet.