Guidelines for Developers

Are you a developer who is developing or considering developing in West Village? Great! We are excited to see new investment and are happy to add new neighbors and businesses to our community.

You can help us achieve our vision for West Village by following these guidelines:

  • Meet or exceed the Mayor’s target that 20% of residential units are priced and set aside as affordable housing. Please consider the range of household types that need access to affordable housing and spread the affordable designation across unit types.

  • Communicate housing opportunities—particularly affordable housing—to the neighborhood first. If residents are experiencing difficulty with their current housing costs, we’d like for them to know of opportunities to stay in the community.

  • Strive for zero displacement of residents. We take this extremely seriously. If displacement is necessary, institute best practices in responsible resident relocation, including ample notice, adequate relocation stipends, and engage housing service organizations as needed to assist residents find housing alternatives.

  • When filling your commercial space, consider the neighborhood’s desire for business mix and diversity including type, price points, and diversity of ownership.

  • Communicate, communicate and communicate. Present to WVA to communicate your plans to the community as early as possible. Residents seek to be informed and to be afforded the opportunity to provide constructive feedback.

  • Meet with the WV Eco District committee early in your development process; guidance and resources are available to assist with meeting sustainability benchmarks.

  • Comply with the Secretary of Interior Standards for development in a historic district. Working with an architect with historic district experience and communicating with the City’s Historic District Commission throughout are good places to start. We recommend presenting plans to WVA at least 30 days before your Historic District Commission hearing.

  • WVA does not issue support/opposition letters. However, we encourage them from residents.